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Happy 21st Birthday Peel Tyre Service

Peel Tyre Service 21st Birthday

How quickly time rolls by! Twenty-one years ago, Matthew and Robyn sold the family home in Victoria and crossed the Nullarbor in a Nissan Bluebird station wagon with two small children. It was their shared dream to open their first business together and what a great job they have done! With no staff in the first year of trading, Matthew fitted every single tyre, and Robyn quickly learnt sales. Now 21 years later and with 3 children the couple are still completely hands on in the business. This independent tyre store puts its customers and community first, with an old-fashioned style of business, if they don’t have what you require they will source it for you. Peel Tyre Service has won numerous local, state and national awards so of course they are excited about celebrating their 21 years of business in the Peel Region. “We would like to invite the public to an open day on Friday 28th September” further details will be announced in the coming weeks” said Matthew. Stay tuned!